Lunada Bay Elementary School

Estimate of Probable Costs

Summary of Estimate of Probable Costs

The following cost estimate is based on the plan for the Phase One Plan project scope (updated in 2024). Click on “Phase One Plan” in the site menu for a plan view of where these items are located on this site.

Phase One Plan Probable Costs

Lunada Bay Elementary School – Phase One Plan

PI# Scope Description Quantity × Unit Cost = Cost Total Cost
Hard Construction Costs
Site Work
S1 Replace site utilities 10.6 AC × 84942 per AC = 900385 900,385
Site Work Costs 900,385
New Construction
New Construction Costs 0
Reconfiguration Costs 0
M1 Kindergarten, new finishes, lighting, HVAC, electrical, low voltage, insulation and energy efficient windows. 3047 SF × 395 per SF = 1203565 1,203,565
M2 Classroom building, new finishes, lighting, HVAC, electrical, low voltage, insulation and energy efficient windows. 4152 SF × 395 per SF = 1640040 1,640,040
M3 Classroom building, new finishes, lighting, HVAC, electrical, low voltage, insulation and energy efficient windows. 4152 SF × 395 per SF = 1640040 1,640,040
M4 Classroom building, new finishes, lighting, HVAC, electrical, low voltage, insulation and energy efficient windows. 4152 SF × 395 per SF = 1640040 1,640,040
M5 Classroom building, new finishes, lighting, HVAC, electrical, low voltage, insulation and energy efficient windows. 4152 SF × 395 per SF = 1640040 1,640,040
M6 Restrooms, new finishes, lighting, HVAC, electrical, low voltage, insulation. 4152 SF × 395 per SF = 1640040 1,640,040
Modernization Costs 9,403,765
Demolition Costs 0
Miscellaneous Costs 0
Hard Construction Cost Subtotal 10,304,150
Soft Project Costs 27.00 % of Hard Construction Costs 2,782,121
Hard Construction Cost + Soft Project Costs Subtotal 13,086,271
Escalation 4 years @ 4.00% per year = 16.99% 2,222,815
Overall Contingency   10.00% of total = 11.11% 1,701,010
Total Probable Phase One Plan Costs for
Lunada Bay Elementary School